Friday, June 21, 2013


Time with Jesus - Friday, 21 June 2013

Hi all,
For many years I’ve adopted the following attitude. “Never ask a question when you don’t know what you will do with the answer.” It’s a bit like answering the question, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Any answer given can lead to a misconception. If you answer, “I’ve never beaten my wife!” some will say you’re lying. It’s a lose – lose situation. Keep clear of it! Asking a lady, “How old are you?” is a definite “no-no”.
I have great sympathy for politicians who are constantly being barraged with questions. In this regard, it’s so easy to say something that will be misunderstood. Typically, if you said your favourite colour was “red”, people would say you’re a communist.
The Deaf use
Sign Language
Fortunately, we do not have this problem in prayer. God knows everything. It’s no good saying, “It wasn’t me!” He knows if it’s true or not! In spite of this, God “loves it” when you ask Him questions. As long as you are not in some way trying to “challenge Him” He will provide an answer. Not always in ways you are expecting. In fact at times His reply will appear “obtuse” to you. Later on, you spot that His way of answering was perfect for the occasion.
This Sign Means
I Love You
Many years ago Phyllida and I were praying about our next move. He kept giving us a word. We eventually found that His “word” to us was an anagram of our destination! Then, when we got there, we were casually looking round a shop. We came across an LP by Jim Reeves which we rather liked. When we got home that evening, we found that the title of the album was, “Welcome to My World”!
Today’s meditation is about deafness and the associated problems therewith. We know God hates sin. He also tells us that if we don’t “put away” sin, He doesn’t hear us. 
The Father
Always Heard Jesus
Not that He can’t hear us; He most certainly can. But there is no answer and the heaven feels like brass.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Signposts to Sin

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – Friday, 21 June 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Have you ever wondered what it would be life to be deaf? Phyllida and I lived in Worcester for 4 years in the 1990’s. There were two special schools there. One for the blind and the other for the deaf. So we came upon a number of them fairly regularly. To some extent, the town does it’s best to provide facilities for those who are blind. One way was that the traffic lights “sounded” when the light was green. A different sound was emitted when the lights were red. This didn’t help the deaf, but they could see the lights anyway. There were a number of blind and vision impaired children in the Sunday School. One of the Sunday School teachers was blind.
Being deaf must be a terrible affliction. We tend to shout in their company. My own hearing is somewhat impaired, so Phyllida and others have to speak up so I can hear them. My hearing aid helps, but will never be a complete answer to deafness. We all know that Beethoven went progressively deaf as he aged. I understand that he got to the point where he would lie on the floor trying to feel the vibrations from the piano. It seems incredible that such a talented composer may never have “heard” his own compositions. I’ve been told that he “heard” them in his head and that for a number of compositions he was completely deaf!
Few things can be worse than deafness. This tragedy has two sides to it. The one we all know something about. Not hearing is terrible. The other side of the coin is how the speaker feels about not being heard. My Dad was hearing impaired. It came about by working in noisy power stations. In his day there were no regulations to protect the workers from noise levels. So he started getting deaf at a relatively early age. Talking to him, particularly over the last 10 years of his life became progressively difficult. The family struggled to get him to know what we were saying. In that respect it was a double affliction; for him and for us!
The psalmist stated: 18 If I had enjoyed having sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. Psalm 66:18 NIrV. Consider the crux of this problem. If we get to the place where we refuse to put away sin, we are in danger of praying to a blank wall. Firstly, God stops listening to those who love their sin and refuse to change. At this point God won’t listen to us. God hasn’t gone deaf. He simply refuses to listen. For us it has the same result! But we also have a problem. If He refuses to listen, prayer is pointless. Then, if we continue to pray, it is an exercise in futility. It’s pointless praying to a God Who isn’t listening. The problem is not with Him, it’s with us. Today’s meditation is an imaginary phone call from someone to God. The frustration of the speaker is exaggerated. Likewise God’s comment is also exaggerated. Nevertheless it points out what happens when we “love” our sin and will not put it away!
Jim & Phyllida
6 I opened to my lover, but he was gone! My heart sank. I searched for him but could not find him anywhere. I called to him, but there was no reply.
Song of Solomon 5:6 NLT
8 Lord, what can I say now that Israel has fled from its enemies? 9 For when the Canaanites and all the other people living in the land hear about it, they will surround us and wipe our name off the face of the earth. And then what will happen to the honour of your great name?" 10 But the LORD said to Joshua, "Get up! Why are you lying on your face like this? 11 Israel has sinned and broken My covenant! They have stolen some of the things that I commanded must be set apart for Me. And they’ve not only stolen them but have lied about it & hidden the things among their own belongings.
Joshua 7:8-11 NLT
1 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; 2 but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.
Isaiah 59:1-2 ESV
18 If I had enjoyed having sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.
Psalm 66:18 NIrV
21 Dear friends, if our conscience doesn't condemn us, we can boldly look to God 22 and receive from him anything we ask. We receive it because we obey his commandments and do what pleases him.
1 John 3:21-22 GW

Waiting for an answer that’s never going to come!
It’s truly devastating! Why is it ever done?
You pick up the receiver and then you turn the dial.
Hoping you will hear the voice, which causes you to smile.
But somehow that phone number just rings and rings and rings.
Isn’t there somebody who’ll pick up the dumb thing?
Maybe it’s not working? I know it was last week.
Isn’t anyone around to pick it up and speak?
I’ve got to keep on trying. I’ll stand here all the day.
I have to telephone Him. There is no other way.
I’ve never known it like this. In fact, it’s very strange!
Perhaps there is a problem at the telephone exchange?
O Lord, what is the matter? This problem isn’t fun.
I’m sorry to inform you, I’m not listening My son.
You say the phone is ringing. Do you not think that’s odd?
There shouldn’t be a problem with your getting through to God!
Please know the line is perfect. It always is that way!
The angels go and check it out each morning, every day.
Everything is working exactly as it should.
There isn’t a malfunction; the reception’s very good.
It comes to Me directly; straight into my ear.
And when the circumstance is right, please know I always hear.
I’m able to communicate with billions of men.
I hear them all in person; It doesn’t matter when.
So if I cannot hear you. Don’t think I do not care.
You’re sure to find the problem is on your side somewhere.
There is a special filter connected to your heart.
And if it sees there’s sin in it, that’s when the problem’s start.
It functions like a special valve and only works one way.
Your voice is overridden and I don’t hear what you say!
My child I have to say this. The problem lies with you.
Until you put that sin away, I will not hear from you.
So here is My suggestion. Your attitude within,
Has got to be to put it right and put away your sin.
I see that you enjoy it; I’m sorry, that must change!
Deal with it! Put it right and you’ll be back in range.
My child, until you do it, My listening to you
Is something you have got to know, I will not ever do!
Jim Strickland
Written 21st June 2012.

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