with Jesus - 09 July 2013
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Don't Pass it on |
are few things in life are more rewarding than “owning up” to something you
have done. Trying to hide things away and seeking to conceal the truth, in most
cases, makes things worse. Jesus warned us about this.
In Luke’s Gospel, He is
on record as saying: 3 Whatever you have
said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind
closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear! Luke 12:3 NLT Experience has shown Phyllida and me,
if we try and hide something we have done, the truth comes out. It always comes
out. Far better to remain transparent, than to be “found out” in lying about something
you’ve done. We have found the truth; liars need a good memory or they will quickly
be caught out.
think I mentioned a few weeks ago that as an apprentice, I accidentally dropped
a nut down one of the main steam pipes during an overhaul. I was scared stiff! How
could I tell the boss (my father) what I had done? He would be furious. Then I
realised that if I didn’t tell him, serious damage could be done to the plant.
It would be very expensive to put right. In the end, I went and told him what
had happened.
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Admit the truth IMMEDIATELY |
He looked at me and asked if I was sure. I told him it was true.
So we all went into “nut hunting mode”. We eventually found it using an “endoscope”.
The boss said nothing until the nut was found and removed. He was angry. He
thanked me for being honest. I got a “lecture” from him, but he assured me I’d
done the right thing. I’ll never forget that experience ±50 years ago.
most painful incident was something I read about in a WW2 book. The Nazi’s knew
the town was hiding a spy. The town’s folk were told to surrender him. When the
leaders refused, the Nazi’s chose 50 men, women and children from the town. “Give
up the spy or we will execute all 50”, they stated. The town wouldn’t do it. “So
the spy went and handed himself over”. The 50 prisoners were released and the
spy was executed. Don’t ask me to comment meaningfully. It was war. Perhaps the
only hero was the spy who handed himself over?
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Buster Keaton In Jail |
best advice we can give anyone is to be open and honest and do it quickly. I
started doing so while I was still employed. On several occasions I was late
for work. On one occasion, my boss “caught” me as I came in. “You’re late!” he
said in an accusatory tone. He was waiting for a list of excuses. All I said
was, “Yes, I’m late!” It completely defused the situation. It was true. I was
late. Why trot out another lame excuse? That’s what my boss expected. My reply defused
the situation. Since then, I’ve made a point of always owning for something I’ve
done. After all, when the “culprit” is known, what more can be said?
the church environment, I’ve found it also to be the best policy. Carrying out
an inquest into what took place is a waste of time and money. So, if it was me,
I’ve learned to put my hand up as soon as the question was asked. A good
comment at this point is to acknowledge the mistake. Point out there has been many
in the past and there is likely to be more in the future. Only Jesus never made
the occasions when men have been hauled before a church general meeting, I’ve
found that the people are very forgiving if you acknowledge something. If you
try and wriggle out, you’ll be found out. Then it’s “game over”.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – Tuesday, 09 July 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
These devotionals are the intellectual property of
Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute
them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
is a tale that goes back to the late 19th or early 20th
century. It is about two British Parliamentarians .They decided to play a
trick on 6 other members of parliament chosen at random. They wanted to
observe their reactions. So they sent identical letters to the 6 MP’s. The letters
read, “Flee – all is discovered”. The story is all six of them left England
as quickly as possible. Is it a true story? I don’t really know. What I can
say is that I’m not surprised!
of us have “skeletons in our closets”. When I was growing up I quickly
learned not to speak about one of my aunts. If I did, the subject was changed
immediately. Exactly what had happened was not revealed for several years.
She had done the unthinkable. In those days it was a lot more unthinkable
than it is today. She fell pregnant before she was married. So she was sent
to a private nursing home in a distant town. Then, after the baby was born,
the child was adopted by person or person’s unknown. The child was never referred
to again by anyone in the family. Everything was quietly swept under the carpet.
But for many years thereafter, she was thought of as the black sheep of the
family. In point of fact she was a delightful person. Except for sadness in
her approach to other family members. It was hard to understand, unless you
knew the circumstances.
guess all of us have something in our history that is “unmentionable”. Mine
was being caught cheating in my matric examination. The result was my being
whisked out of the country to serve an apprenticeship as a fitter in the same
company that employed my father. It was a devastating experience. In the end,
it brought to me the reality of Paul’s letter to the Romans: 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together
for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose
for them. Romans 8:28 NLT28
the most important lesson I learned, was that it’s better to own up and admit
something, than to try and hide behind a pack of lies. Liar’s need to have
good memories. Telling the simple truth may bring embarrassment. But in the
long run it is the only solution. This is vital if you are going to launch
out as a minister for the Lord. Secrecy can be fatal in the ministry. Jesus
warned us about this: 22 For
everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every
secret will be brought to light. Mark 4:22
NLT Without going back into the details of the Bill Clinton “affair”,
it is fairly clear that if he had spoken up and admitted what he had done,
history would be much “kinder to him”. Then it could not be said that he’s a
philanderer and a liar!
Jim &
13 Each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be
revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
1 Corinthians 3:13 ESV
Do you have a secret you think nobody knows?
Do you think it’s something you never will disclose?
Have you done your very best to hide it far away?
Perhaps you’ll be ashamed of it until your dying day?
Was it done in secret where nobody can see?
Have you done it often? Perhaps repeatedly?
If the secret came out now, how is it you’d react?
You know your character would be horribly attacked.
You’d suffer great embarrassment and massive loss of face;
And in the daily papers, experience disgrace?
If this is a description of what it is you’ve done,
Perhaps I just might help you to put it right old son.
Think of our Lord Jesus and all that He went through.
Nothing quite as serious will happen unto you.
Handled like a charlatan and beaten with the lash,
Accused of speaking blasphemy; they said that He was trash!
Stripped till He was naked nailed upon a “tree”.
Exposed to all creation; He died for you and me.
Went through that embarrassment and suffered all that pain.
So that evil people might all be born again.
If He could go through this, for folk like me and you,
Surely you can emulate the things which you must do.
They won’t execute you; perhaps you’ll pay a fine?
But you’ll have the approval of Jesus Christ Divine.
Nothing more can happen. Perhaps you’ll go to jail?
And you’ll be in the bosom of the God Who cannot fail.
But if you confess it and say, “It was a sin”!
“Master, come and help me this victory to win”.
You will know His presence and He will set you free.
Even in a prison, the Lord will be with thee.
So stand up to the problem and face it like a man.
Jesus Christ can do it. He always makes a plan.
The worst thing you could ever do is turn and walk away.
He desires to set you free upon this very day.
He has the authority from God to be your judge.
Don’t reject His offer and say you will not budge.
Don’t think it is a secret. He’ll spread it far and wide!
Those are the alternatives. What is it you decide?
Jim Strickland
Written 9th
July 2012
Therefore, don't judge anything before the
appointed time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will also bring to light what
is hidden in the dark and reveal people's motives. Then each person will
receive praise from God.
1 Corinthians 4:5 GW
10 Now then, who are you
to judge your brother or sister? Why do
you look down on them? We will all stand in God's courtroom to be judged.
11 It is written, "'You can be sure that I live,' says the
Lord. “And you can be just as sure that every
knee will bow down in front of me. Every tongue will tell the truth to God.'"
(Isaiah 45:23) 12 So we will all have to explain to God the things we
have done. 13 Let us stop
judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put anything in
your brother's way that would make him trip and fall.
Romans 14:10-13 NIrV
16 And this is the message I proclaim--that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus,
will judge everyone's secret life.
Romans 2:16 NLT
22 In addition, the Father
judges no one. Instead, He has given the Son absolute authority to judge,
John 5:22 NLT
27 And He has given Him
authority to judge everyone because He is the Son of Man.
John 5:27 NLT
18 You show love to thousands but bring the punishment
for the parents' sins into the laps of their children after them. Great and mighty God, whose name is the LORD Almighty,
19 great are your purposes and mighty
are your deeds. Your eyes are open to the ways of all; you reward everyone
according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve.
Jeremiah 32:18-19 TNIV
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