with Jesus - 13 July 2013

But there are
those among us (me for example) who have a built in aversion to reading them. So
we look at the bits in the box and decide, “Who needs that anyway? After all, I’m
not a moron!” So we leave the instructions in the original packaging and step
out on our venture into the unknown. Ten minutes later, the thing is broken. So
you think you can take it back and get it replaced.
This is where you qualify
for moron of the week. The salesman takes one look at you and asks the
question, “Did you follow the instructions?” Suddenly you realise he is testing
your “capacity for veracity”. Will you tell him the truth or will you “sling
him another line?”
been caught out by this problem on several occasions. I’ve found out that the
salesman has a PhD in the principles of honesty and the customer. So I have to
admit that I didn’t read the instructions. At this point he takes on a look of
utter superiority and suggests you buy another and follow the instructions.
please be so kind as to admit that you too suffer from the same problem. Do you
buy a brand new mobile phone and struggle with turning it on? Can you use it? Mmmm!
I thought not. So welcome to the club. You are a paid up member of the “Hearers
and not Doers Brigade”.

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Obedient to Death Death on a Cross |
Now here’s the interesting point about all
this. There are as many as 50 000 spectators watching this sporting contest.
Most of them are grossly unfit. (me for instance) Each spectator has a far greater
knowledge of the game than any of the players. So much so, they shout out
instructions and wildly encourage the team of their choice. No one on the field
really knows what the spectators are shouting. Sadly their expert instructions
are ignored and the game continues until the man in the middle with a funny
whistle sends everyone off the field. The game is over. The players are utterly
exhausted and the crowd is hoarse.
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Delayed obedience is DISOBEDIENCE! |
half-brother James identified this problem some 2000 years ago and wrote a
general letter dealing with spectator mentality. It seems he had the same problem
as we have today. He wrote: 22 Don't just
listen to the word. You fool yourselves if you do that. You must do what it
says. James 1:22 NIrV Today, people don’t
read the Maker’s instructions and don’t listen to the Maker either. There isn’t
time to do that. We have to sit in the pews and direct their opinions silently
to the team they support on Sunday mornings. Shouting is forbidden, unless the
speaker says, “Amen?” Then every spectator is expected to respond “amen” as
loudly as possible. Then we are all expected to go home and wait for the next installment on the following Sunday.
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James 1:22 |
Please don’t ask anyone to “do” anything about what
the preacher or God was saying. After all, the next exciting episode will be on
at the same time in the same place one week later, with you in the same seat next
week. This goes on year after year for a lifetime.
question is this. “If you do this year exactly what you did last year, do you
think the outcome at the end of this year will be any different from what it
was at the end of last year?” You Do?
Mmmm! I don’t see that anywhere in the Maker’s Instruction Manual. What
I do see is the wonderful comment of Jesus’ half-brother, James. If I may be permitted
to paraphrase James’ comments they would be;

don’t be a moron. Be a student of the Word of God. Then, when you’ve read it,
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – 13 July 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
These devotionals are the intellectual property of
Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute
them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
many of us were boy scouts or girl guides? Probably a few less than those who
were cubs or brownies. Their origin, supposedly, was in South Africa during
the Anglo Boer War. Baden Powell found the assistance of young men and boys
invaluable during the siege of Mafeking. He “invented” the movement in
England in 1907.
loved my time in the scouts. It was great fun and an excellent way for youngsters
to develop character. We did all sorts of things. Some have helped me in
later life. Knotting has proved to be very useful, as has basic first aid techniques.
We also played games. How many of you remember “O’Grady says”? The leader
would stand at the front facing us. He would then say “O’Grady says do this”
and would move his hands or legs or both. We were expected to do the same,
provided the instruction was preceded by the words, “O’Grady says. If he just
said “Do this” and moved his hands and or legs, we were not supposed to do
it. It was a great laugh. Most of us would be caught out very quickly doing
what was said. Oddly enough, learning to respond correctly was extremely
difficult. We responded to him like a flock of “sheep”. We just did what he
did. The modern expression is, “Monkey see, monkey do”!
suppose we could say this was my first experience of “going along with the
crowd”. The Psalmist was right. We are like a flock of sheep. We do what we
see others are doing. We call it “Peer Pressure”. The fashion industry is
linked with this intimately. The main function of a fashion designer is to
sell his “creations”. It has to be. If he doesn’t sell his fashions, he won’t
get paid. He needs to get paid so that he can design new fashions and get
paid again. It’s a bit like a treadmill. It would be great if everyone
stopped getting trapped in this cycle. It doesn’t happen, because everyone
wants to be the first to wear the latest “Paris” designs!
Christianity suffers from the same scourge. We follow the “flavour of the day”
and flock to see them. We listen to them, but don’t seem to hear. We fill up
our heads with what men say we should know. How many can say they only do
what the Lord says? Not many. We are too busy looking for the next “flavour
of the day” and going to his/her meeting. So we become intellectually “fat”.
An excellent caricature of 21st century Western Christianity would
be an enormous ear. We hear and don’t do. How can we do anything? The next
“flavour of the day” will be with us next Sunday and we must go and hear what
he says.
strongly suspect that the apparent lack of answers to prayer today stems from
this. We hear and don’t do. So God hears and doesn’t do either. He meets us
where we are. So of we are hearers only; that’s what He does too. In today’s
meditation we look at the relationship between hearing and doing. It’s not
good. The Jews wear phylacteries because it’s easy. The Lord provided them
with a method whereby they could assimilate His Word and make it part of
daily life. On the forehead implies in the mind. On the hands implies action.
But, if they write it on a piece of paper and stick it in a box on hands and
head, it makes them look spiritual. Just like the average “Christian”. It’s
all show and no go! God help us!
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
16 Search the book of the
LORD, and see what He will do. Not one of these birds and animals will
be missing, and none will lack a mate, for the LORD has promised this. His
Spirit will make it all come true.
Isaiah 34:16 NLT
The Christian life is simple. God tells us what to do.
But do we ever do it? My friend it’s up to you.
There’s several possibilities and choices we must make.
But each and every one of them will tell us to forsake,
The things which we’ve been doing, that leads us into sin.
Only by obedience will any person win.
But how can we distinguish between what’s right and wrong?
Only God’s Word tells us how to sing His victory song.
It cannot be the knowledge we stuff into our head.
We have to be like Jesus the only living bread.
There is a way to do it. We must assimilate,
Everything He tells us; and we must emulate,
The lifestyle He was living. No matter what we learn,
If we fail to do it, in hell we’re sure to burn!
The secret is in knowing what’s in God’s Holy Word.
And then we must take action on that which we have heard.
We are not just recorders, who get things down on tape,
That sort of thing is easy for chimpanzee or ape.
So that is not what’s wanted. We have to do much more.
We have to do the things He says, or we will find our score,
Is totally inadequate, to pass the Master’s test.
We need a “memory prompter” to follow Jesus best.
Keep things in your memory and meditate thereon.
So Satan won’t deceive you and conscience has all gone.
Another way to do it is to keep it close at hand.
A sort of easy reckoner, to do the things He planned.
To wear it in phylacteries on hands or on the head,
Can serve no useful purpose. We may as well be dead.
His law must be our treasure. A gem of highest price.
Always to be acted on and not on man’s advice!
If we meditate thereon, His word will be alive.
Our goal, a special target, for which we have to strive,
To put in operation. Then, even if we trip,
He’ll come to our assistance, intending to equip,
His people with what we must do, to rise and carry on.
And He will keep on doing this, ‘til all our life is gone.
He plans that every one of us should see the Morning Star.
And follow Him completely. Though it is near or far.
For that is what we’re called to. To be like God Most High,
From when we have been born again, until the day we die.
Jim Strickland –
Written 13 July 2012
"You shall therefore lay up these words of
mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on
your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
Deuteronomy 11:18 ESV
8 Keep this Book of the
Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8 TNIV
31 God's law is in their
hearts. Their feet do not slip.
Psalms 37:31 NIrV
4 I don't do the things other people do. By obeying your word I have kept myself from acting
like those who try to hurt others.
Psalms 17:4 NIrV
11 Your word I have
treasured in my heart that I may not sin against You.
Psalms 119:11 NASB
19 We couldn't be more
sure of what we saw and heard--God's glory, God's voice. The prophetic Word
was confirmed to us. You'll do well to keep focusing on it. It's the one
light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the
Morning Star in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19 MSG
4 Even if it was written
in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us. God wants the
combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in
Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will
do next.
Romans 15:4 MSG
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