Time with Jesus - 18 Aug 2013
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Cassius Clay in his Prime |
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The 2 Contestants |
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After the big fight |
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Henry years later |
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Mohammed Ali Now |
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – Sunday, 18 August 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
the beginning of 1981, I had no Christian books. All I had was an old KJV Bible.
It was a bit dog-eared. Not surprising since my parents gave it to me as a
Christmas present in 1950. I’ve had it ever since. It’s fairly well marked
dating back to my early days as a Christian in 1960. It had one or two notes
which go back to those days. It may have been that I wrote them while attending
training sessions for Billy Graham’s evangelistic campaign in Manchester.
Looking back at the contents of this Bible, I’m convicted of some of the
things I did from 1965 until 1981. I had been a naughty boy!
1981, the very first Christian book I bought was “Confess It!” In those days
we were all very much “into” believing with the heart and confession with the
mouth. Len Jones wrote the book. He was related to William Wigglesworth.
days were fascinating particularly regarding “What you say is what you get”.
Most of us, myself included, were so intimidated by this, we forgot the
importance of truth. People went to extreme lengths to avoid anything which
might be used by the devil as an entrance into their life. I recall going through
a time of great testing while experiencing divorce. It was tough. But if
anyone asked me how I was, I would smile and say, “I’m fine!” It was an absolute
lie. I felt like “death warmed up”. But I wouldn’t say anything about it to
anyone. On reflection it seems to me that we had made a superstition out of what
God was saying.
the best illustration I can think of was the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. They
originated from the days after the Babylonian captivity. The people rightly
decided that their captivity was because they had failed to keep the Mosaic
Law. In particular, with reference to the worship of idols. You will find
that from then on, idols did not become an issue in Israel. What happened was
they made an idol of the law. They made dozens of “fence laws” associated
with the Mosaic law. The purpose was not so much how to keep them, but how to
avoid breaking them. There are huge differences. Differences which Jesus
addressed with them. A reading of Luke 11 indicates this.
book looks at “What you get is what you say”. He then looks at the words and
“confessions” of Cassius Clay, now Muhammad Ali. He points back to the days
of the fight with Sonny Liston – the “big ugly bear” according to Cassius
Clay. Len then makes a very interesting comment. He stated that the world in
general and Sonny Liston in particular, had never come across a confession
like Cassius Clay’s. In spite of all the odds against him winning, Clay’s
confession was so powerful that it literally swept him along to victory. Clay
had stumbled upon a “spiritual principle”. One that defies human understanding.
The principle is that if you say something often enough, you will start to
believe it. Thus, what Cassius Clay was saying with his mouth, became that
which he believed in his heart. That sort of “confessions” is hard to beat.
Sonny Liston got “caught up” in this spiritual principle. So, as we all know,
Cassius Clay became the world heavyweight champion. There’s no question that
he had remarkable talent and ability as a boxer. He may have become the
champion another way. But his confession trashed Sony Liston. If you believe
in you heart and confess with your mouth…..
Jim &
31 Therefore, as it is written: "Let
those who boast, boast in the Lord."
1 Corinthians 1:31 TNIV
Who of us remember what’s called “The good old days?”
A young man was in boxing. His name – Cassius
He said, “I am the greatest. I’ll knock him out
in three.”
And strangely as it sounds to us, that’s just
what came to be.
He really was a boaster. He never really cared.
But most of his protagonists were quickly running
He “took on” Sonny Liston, an “Ugly bear” he
And when the fight was over, Liston looked like
he was dead.
“I float in like a butterfly and sting just like
a bee.
There ain’t no boxer anywhere can beat the likes
of me”!
Boxer after boxer came and put him to the test.
And when the match was over he’d proved he was
the best.
Muhammad Ali was the name he took when he
He became Muslim, but his quest was not diverted.
And looking back upon it, I’m sure he was the
But time has done its damage; he’s just like all
the rest.
No longer fast and nimble; he has “Parkinson’s
And when you hear him talking now, no longer does
he please.
We look back at his history, when boxing was his
He really was the greatest and deserved his
boxing fame.
But like so many boasters, God’s judgement came
And he became a member of the “boastful people
It is a sorry story, a very dismal tale.
This happens to a braggart. They ultimately fail.
I can’t forget the boasting of “the lip from
He continued boasting and went over the hill.
A shadow of the man he was; and crippled now with
He got his fame and fortune, but with it came his
So when we look upon him now, it’s very sad to
A man with so much talent, consigned to history.
The moral of this story, is do not ever boast.
You may get fame and fortune, but the Lord of
heaven’s host,
Will start a downward cycle and you’ll end up
with defeat;
That never, in your life time, you ever would repeat.
When you do your boasting, boast only in the
Only He is worthy, to be worshipped and adored.
Boast of His achievements and what Jesus Christ
has done!
Tell the world you’re nobody compares with God’s
own Son.
Thank Him for salvation and praise Him for His
That’s the sort of boasting we may do anywhere.
He deserves the honour, the glory and the fame.
Compared with Him, we’re nothing; and life is
just a game.
Jim Strickland
Written 18th
August 2012
23 Thus says the LORD: "Let not the
wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let
not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands
and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and
righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD."
Jeremiah 9:23-24 ESV
8 Yes, everything else is worthless when
compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His
sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I
could gain Christ
Philippians 3:8 NLT
16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News
about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes--the
Jew first and also the Gentile.
Romans 1:16 NLT
17 In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to
be proud of my work for God.
Romans 15:17 ESV
25 I don't have anyone in heaven but you. I
don't want anything on earth besides you.
Psalms 73:25 NIrV
1 Then Hannah prayed: "My heart
rejoices in the LORD! The LORD has made me strong. Now I have an
answer for my enemies; I rejoice because You
rescued me.
1 Samuel 2:1 NLT
1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your
name goes all the glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness.
Psalms 115:1 NLT
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