Time with Jesus - 14 Dec 2013
Hi all,

The Black Eagle is a fairly
common resident and one of the most thoroughly researched eagles in Southern Africa.
Black Eagles are found at sea level from the Cape Province to the Drakensberg
in Natal, to the Soutpansberg in the Northern Province and far beyond into the
rock hills of southern Zimbabwe, Motobos Hills.
The Motobos Hills is the home
of the densest population of black eagles. The rugged or mountainous terrain
with cliffs, rock ledges and caves is the preferred habitat of the black eagle.
They occur in dry savannah, woodland & even desert & high rainfall
areas, wherever rocky outcrops, gorges or mountain ranges provide nesting sites
and an abundance of prey.
The Black Eagle is a truly
magnificent coal black bird with a white back and a V on the shoulders. The
handsome plumage is enhanced by consummate grace in flight …

These raptors are highly
territorial and are often seen gliding together. They mate for life and assist
each other in hunting sorties, hence their high success rate. In undisturbed
natural habitat, hyraxes form up to 90% of prey, but small mammals, birds and
reptiles are also caught.
Black eagles are more
discomforted by heat than by cold. On hot, exposed nests they open their beaks
and pant, even if there is no direct sunlight. Tiny chicks and down-covered
eaglets seek shade by moving into the adults shadow or any patch of shade
available on the nest. The adults, like the nestlings, must obtain the liquid
they need from their prey.
Black Eagles have been seen
‘sunbathing’, that is, spread out on the ground or smooth rock in full
sunlight, back to the sun, both wings outstretched and the tail fanned. This
ensures that mites and parasites are removed from the feathers and the natural
waxes within the feathers are heated, making it easier for the eagle to spread
along the feather shaft during preening.
They are not vocal birds as they rely
more on visual communications; however the juvenile eagle is very vocal as it
calls continuously to its mother on sight, for food and protection.
All observers agree on the
magnificent flying powers of Black Eagles They make full use of thermals
flowing round and over the hilly terrain of their preferred habitat, and move
effortlessly across the sky, turning and circling, rising and gliding for long
spells with seldom a wing beat.
The characteristic leaf – shaped wing, is no
doubt an adaptation for flying in rocky and mountainous terrain. The Black
Eagles’ display flights are spectacular, if performed close to an observer, the
whistle of air through their wings dramatically emphasizes the speed of their
flight, with one flight pattern often merging imperceptibly with another.
Something that has puzzled me for some time is the fact
that the eagle was regarded as an unclean bird. 12 But these are the ones that you shall not eat: the eagle, the bearded
vulture, the black vulture. Deut. 14:12 ESV
It puzzles me because God occasionally describes himself
as an “eagle”. e.g. 9 "For the
people of Israel belong to the LORD; Jacob is His special possession. 10 He found them in a desert land, in an empty, howling
wasteland. He surrounded them and watched over them; He guarded them as He
would guard His own eyes. 11 Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her
young, so He spread His wings to take them up and carried them safely on His
pinions. Deut. 32:9-11 NLT
It seems incongruous for God to regard the eagle as an
unclean bird, yet liken Himself to an eagle. Perhaps someone can assist me with
understanding this?
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – 14 Dec 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Olympic Games - London 2012 - is well and truly behind us. They were handled
with all the skill and organising ability we expect from the Brits. They went
off with all the precision of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.
Mind you, I didn’t spot Christopher Robin, Alice or her fiancé. What I did
see was Usain Bolt. At least I think I saw him. He was running and no one
seemed to be able to catch him! Extraordinary. The fastest man on two legs! I
guess that he would not have been much faster than Jeremiah some 2600 years
ago. He couldn’t compete with horses. I’m sure Usain would also find it something
of a challenge. Indeed, compared with most animals, our pace is decidedly
we have an advantage is in brain power. We can think and plan accordingly.
What we lack in speed we make up for in our mechanical contraptions. The
Anglo-French Concorde carried passengers faster than the speed of sound.
Financially, the plane could have been better supported. The Americans and
the aircraft manufacturers decided that speed wasn’t everything. I’ve heard
that the thing was so fast, you could land in New York before you left
London! Now that’s science!
can do it much quicker. I’m told we are limited by the speed of light.
Something about the faster you go the smaller you get. At the speed of light we
would be nothing. That’s either Einstein or Frankenstein. Not sure which. The
answer is of epic proportions.
Israelites were into looking for epic proportions. How long does it take for
2 million people along with wagons, possessions, assorted livestock and pets
to walk across or through the Red Sea? It depends on two factors. A) The
width of the gap in the sea and B) the speed of walking. We don’t know how
long it took them. Somewhere between six and eight hours has been suggested.
Depending on tidal conditions and the actual point of the crossing, the
distance from one side to the other could have been in the order of 500
metres. Apparently, the “Targum of Jonathan” states that there were twelve
“openings” in the sea. It could be that each of the twelve tribes crossed independently.
Thus the time taken to cross from one side to the other would be greatly
reduced and 6 to 8 hours becomes reasonable. The crossing of the River Jordan
appears in many respects to be a repeat of the crossing of the Red Sea.
discard the Bible in totality because they cannot believe that such things
can happen. Personally, I’m a Theist. I believe God created and controls this
world. So for Him to open the Red Sea and the Jordan is not a problem. Not
for Him who spoke creation into being!
Jim &
"If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against
horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what
will you do in the thickets near the Jordan?
Jeremiah 12:5 NLT
We have our limitations. We only have two feet.
We only have a pair of eyes to see along the street
We only have two nostrils and just one pair of ears.
A mouth to feed our bodies; a tongue to shout our jeers.
Well suited for our purposes, while living here below.
But we don’t have a covering to keep out heat and snow.
Our legs were made quite powerful; but not for running fast.
We can’t compete with horses. We’re sure to end up last.
On one or two occasions, the Lord came to their aid.
To walk across the Red Sea, a way for them was made.
And likewise at the Jordan. To reach the other bank,
Without the Lord Almighty, so He’s the one to thank.
The people trusted Moses and later Joshua.
The truth is, if they hadn’t, they couldn’t get that far!
A pathway through the waters, was what the Lord decreed.
There wasn’t much alternative, if they were to succeed.
They had to do exactly what The Most High God had said,
If they didn’t bother, they’d very soon be dead!
Even in the shadow of Death Valley, He is there.
His rod and staff bring comfort and drive away our care.
No evil can assail us. They seldom even try.
With Father, Son and Spirit together standing by.
Satan and his cronies, tremble and they quake.
They will keep their distance while we are awake.
But a little slumber, when our heads begin to nod,
They may try and reach us, despite the Triune God!
Walking through water, we won’t be swept away.
They can’t overwhelm us. “Come back another day!”
Is all we need to tell them. The waters can’t break through.
Not if Christ the Saviour is looking after you.
Jesus is the reason, why Christians are secure.
He has made us righteous; He will keep us pure,
While we are obedient. Then by His Holy grace,
We will know His presence and feel His warm embrace.
He knows all about us; was tested and was tried.
Knows what we experience. He gave His life and died.
Now He is the holder of the keys of death and hell.
What we are all going through He knows it very well.
So, when we are thinking we can’t take any more.
Ask for His amazing strength. On eagle’s wings you’ll soar.
Jim Strickland
14th December 2012
15 (The Jordan overflows all its banks during the harvest
season.) When the priests who were carrying the ark came to the edge
of the Jordan River and set foot in 16 the water, the water
stopped flowing from upstream. The water rose up like a dam as far away as
the city of Adam near Zarethan. The water flowing down toward the Sea of the
Plains (the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. Then the people crossed from
the east side of the Jordan River directly opposite Jericho. 17 The priests who carried the ark of the LORD'S promise
stood firmly on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan until the whole nation
of Israel had crossed the Jordan River on dry ground.
Joshua 3:15-17 GW
9 What we do see is Jesus, made "not quite as high
as angels," and then, through the experience of death, crowned so much higher than any angel, with a glory "bright with Eden's dawn light."
In that death, by God's grace, he fully experienced death in every person's
Hebrews 2:9 MSG
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
Psalms 23:4 NIV
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with
you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk
through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
Isaiah 43:2 ESV
17 I
saw this and fainted dead at his feet. His right hand pulled me upright, his
voice reassured me: "Don't fear: I am First,
I am Last, 18 I'm Alive. I
died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever. See these keys in my
hand? They open and lock Death's doors, they open and lock Hell's gates.
Revelation 1:17-18 MSG
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