Sunday, May 29, 2011


It isn’t fashionable in the “Christian Church” today,
To speak about the blood of Christ in any sort of way.
“Who wants a ‘bloody gospel’? It’s rather ‘infra-dig’!
Our pulpits have been sanitised. We much prefer the prig
Who tolerates our concept, of a Gospel that’s devised,
To pander to decorum and a faith that’s “civilised”.
Which means the blood of Jesus is a definite “no-no”!
It only should be mentioned as a myth from long ago.
His cross, a fancy ornament the ladies like to wear,
Or as a sort of symbol we associate with prayer.
O Lord this is a tragedy; the people cannot see,
The way this sort of thinking twists Christianity,
Into a gross monstrosity; a characterisation
That Satan fabricated to emasculate salvation.
It doesn’t challenge anything or lead us to the Lord,
And leaves us condescending, duplicitous and bored.
And yet the blood of Jesus is God’s atomic bomb.
It blasts away our sinfulness, delivering us from
The power, that enslaved us and kept us in the chains
Of powerless religion that’s putrefied our brains.
Your blood is efficacious for cleansing us from sin.
Regardless of religion and all the other din,
That people are subjected to, to keep us deaf and blind,
To what is decomposing the hearts of all mankind.
It only takes a smidgen; a little tiny drop,
To devastate the enemy, compelling him to stop.
“Surrender - Unconditional” is what we now demand,
From Satan and his forces; for that’s what Jesus planned.
His blood, the mighty weapon that Satan can’t resist.
The only thing that he can do is shake an empty fist,
And make a lot of noise about the way it used to be,
When all he was promoting was “Christian apathy”.
So which way would you like it? To take His blood on board.
And use it as a weapon - the Lord’s atomic sword?
To pulverise the devil and smash the only power
That he has got available which used to make us cower?
Or will we crumble back into the former status quo,
Where “faith” is a religion, a useless, empty show?
That is the choice before us. Which is it going to be?
A spineless, empty jellyfish or Satan’s enemy?
Jim Strickland – written Sunday 29th May 2011

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