Sunday, May 29, 2011


A fundamental fact is that God’s Word is not confused.
However, very often, His Word has been abused.
It’s frequently connected with the language of our day,
That understands the meaning in a somewhat different way.
A very good example is what is meant by “rest”.
To “sit down when you’re tired” is the one we know the best.
But God does not get tired! We know this is a fact.
So “rest” for the Almighty is to simply cease to act.
It’s not some sort of slumber in a geriatric chair.
It’s getting to the climax of His intentions there.
It isn’t inactivity; with nothing more to do.
It’s saying “It is finished; It’s completed through and through”.
This is the “rest” we’re called to in God’s Kingdom on this earth.
You enter through the narrow gate; we call it “second birth”.
Not many people find it; the way is rather tough.
It’s also very narrow and the pathway very rough.
But if you’re truly seeking for the Kingdom of the Lord,
It’s only through the narrow gate you’ll find His great reward.
There’s also an alternative you need to know as well.
The gate is wide, the road is broad that leads direct to hell.
The pathway’s rather easy with seats on which to nap;
It’s loaded with amusements intended to entrap,
The people walking on it with laziness and ease;
Along with Satan’s slogan, “Do anything you please”.
“Take a little slumber; sleep any time you choose”.
“Grab your opportunity for lechery and booze”.
But that is not God’s Kingdom; that’s not what He intends.
Not for His disciples, His followers and friends.
For them it’s like an athlete who wants to win a race;
Who rises to the challenge to meet what he has to face.
It’s harmonious contentment in heart and soul and mind,
Which gives a deep assurance to the peace we only find,
When knowing that the future depends upon God’s grace;
And experiencing joy in every aspect of the race.
It’s loving other people from a heart which overflows,
With an inner satisfaction, no matter where he goes.
It’s knowing the Lord Jesus will help him pass the test.
These constitute the quality and meaning of God’s rest.
So lastly in conclusion, which “rest” defines your days?
Satan’s chronic laziness or Jesu’s heart ablaze?
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 30 May 2011

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