Thursday, June 30, 2011


We need to have a method that’s as sure as it can be,
To know the Holy Spirit is alive in you and me.
It cannot be a colour or that would advertise,
To everyone what happens when they look into our eyes!
It cannot be a halo, or everyone could see,
That you and I are holy when they know it cannot be!
It has to be a quality that flows from deep within.
A fervent contradiction to all that looks like sin.
And yet it must be visible and never in dispute,
And surely that’s the reason it’s spoken of as fruit.
It has to be discernable so everyone can know,
That surely what their looking at is pure as driven snow.
It has to be distinguished as left hand from the right.
It also must be pleasing to everyone in sight.
The proper word is character. That shapes the things we do.
It has to be consistent, inflexible and true.
It mustn’t vary daily as the product of a whim,
But something that will demonstrate our burning love for Him.
We know that love’s included. It cannot tolerate,
The tiniest suggestion of any form of hate.
It has to make us joyful in spite of circumstance,
No matter what is happening deliberately or chance,
The joy deep down within us must be clear and true and strong,
That even though we’re crying, our hearts are filled with song.
Peace is not the option of the absence of all war.
Instead it is a quality that’s worth our dying for.
In spite of every effort that the enemy can bring,
It’s knowing He is with us in spite of everything.
It’s patience through the hardship of an overwhelming trial,
Retraining our composure as we go the extra mile.
It’s kindness when confronted by deep bitterness and gall,
Knowing your reaction will confound them one and all.
It’s doing everything you can for someone else’s good.
And doing it with willingness not just because we should.
It’s faithfulness and gentleness and perfect self control,
Not because observers are looking for our goal,
But simply ‘cause it’s always the proper thing to do.
Even when all Satan’s hordes are chasing after you.
Isn’t this the character that others want to see,
Present in the lifestyle of folk like you and me?
Will we see these qualities no matter where we go?
Only in a Christian who’s not putting on a show.
For this is the lifestyle of Jesus Christ our King.
So let’s vow to copy it, whatever life may bring.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 01 July 2011


I can’t remember what I did in nineteen fifty eight.
I got to school with plenty time and wasn’t running late.
And then our dear headmaster, called me to the front.
He spoke about behaviour and about the stunt,
Which I had been involved in with one or two school friends.
And he was going to deal with us by warming up our ends.
It wasn’t done in rancour. He didn’t lose his smile.
That thought did not occur to him. It never was his style.
And so in front of all the class, he quickly drew his cane.
And let me say for certain he was good at bringing pain.
The reason why he did it has vanished from my mind.
I couldn’t justify it. Perhaps I’m old and blind.
But I can well remember the stinging in my rear.
But since I was a teenager, I didn’t shed a tear.
One thing that I must say about that grand old man.
When the job was over his big heart overran.
He didn’t show resentment. I think he never could.
But always said politely, “I did it for your good!”
The picture isn’t perfect but that is like our God.
He knows just what is needed and then takes up His rod.
He never is vindictive but when He wields the cane,
It’s always for a reason that’s very, very plain.
It isn’t very pleasant. In truth, it’s rather sore.
But never will he crush us though He must strike some more.
He does it ‘cause He loves us. We cannot get away,
With anything we ever do, or think about or say.
This surely is quite proper. He makes the rear end sting.
But more to serve His purpose that righteousness may ring,
Throughout His holy people. He wants to get us right.
And walk in true obedience that’s proper in His sight.
So if your rear end’s stinging you’d better ask Him why?
He never will chastise you so much to make you die.
He has a special reason. Perhaps you pulled a stunt
That in His Holy wisdom, He thought was an affront.
To everything He’s taught us. It doesn’t work that way.
But don’t make the assumption He won’t do it today.
So when He says, “Bend over, reach down and touch your toes.”
You know that it is coming for that is how it goes.
And when it is all finished, I’m sure you will agree,
He worked for my advantage in disciplining me!
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 30 June 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Here is my commandment. Don’t walk upon the grass.
The green rubs off on shoes and pants so don’t look like an ass.
You see that great big signboard that’s driven in the ground?
It spells out what I’m saying and doesn’t make a sound.
The letters are not tiny. They’re plain for all to see.
The only ones to walk on it are Peter, Paul and me.
Don’t look at me at so strangely. Your supercilious grin
Does not reflect the attitude I speaking to you in.
The fact Is I would like you to have eternal life.
Not the way you’re feeling now but free of hurt and strife.
Why do you never listen? Why don’t you wear my yoke?
You’ll find it so much easier and will not make you choke.
I’m asking this so nicely. Please do this thing I say.
It’s really in your interests to listen and obey.
Please keep my commandments and do not please yourself.
Those who say they can’t comply I’ll leave upon the shelf.
The only way to love me is to do the things I say.
The choice is never optional. There is no other way.
For those who try and keep them The Love of God they’ll know.
Only do it willingly don’t put it on for show.
I truly want to manifest Myself and come to you.
My Father likes the whole idea so do what you must do.
Seek for understanding. Do it the wisdom way.
Better than great treasure is simply to obey.
It is the way of blessedness and is the way of peace.
She is to you a tree of life that shouldn’t ever cease.
And if you really trust Me and keep all of my law.
You will not slip and stumble and fool around no more.
So put away all evil and do the things I say.
See if you can sort it out, there is no better way.
No better way to love Me that doing what I’ve said.
You’ll find it will keep going on till long after you’ are dead.
For love can have no ending. It goes on constantly.
And It’s available to you and everyone you see.
So please don’t think I’m talking about a field of grass.
It goes so far beyond this, that you won’t want to pass
The blessing it will bring you, just doing what your told.
Will far outweigh the problems of finding hidden gold.
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 29 June 2011


When we speak of Jesus Christ, who is it that we mean?
We‘re told He’s God in overalls. The God who last was seen
About two thousand years ago. Just dying on a cross.
You wouldn’t think it credible that all creation’s boss,
Cold ever let it happen. It’s too good to be true
That Father incognito would ever, ever do.
Something incomprehensible. Why do it? After all
He didn’t do a sinful thing from He didn’t even fall.
It’s equally impossible to think He walked on earth.
What purpose was there in it? An act of supreme mirth?
And did He think it funny squeezed into a balloon?
With hardly any space around to give Him elbow room.
Why bother with humanity. They’d only cause Him pain.
What purpose did it serve for Him? Did He Himself ordain
That it was necessary? If it was left to me,
They couldn’t point a finger at the man from Calvary.
And yet He came and did it? Perhaps He just went mad.
Was He perhaps a masochist who relished being bad?
That couldn’t be the Jesus, the one I’ve know so long.
The Man Who came to rescue us from all we have done wrong.
But that does not explain it. What plan was in His mind?
What reason did He give Himself? He wasn’t deaf or blind.
He knew what they had purposed. Perhaps He thought they’d missed
But Judas made it very plain for He was whom he kissed.
My greetings to you master. Now show me what to do
While all creations was transfixed and what would become of You?
A taste of Roman lashes? A mock up silly crime.
The only thing He ever said that He was Devine.
But that’s not good a reason to have Him crucified.
They couldn’t find a fault in Him, no matter how they tried.
Of course He was their scapegoat. Somebody had to die.
The High Priest hadn’t volunteered and so it was you or I.
And I’m paid up member a coward through and through.
So when it comes to volunteers, my friend its must be you.
So tell m e now where you were on that day the Jesus died.
Where were you when they drove the nails And thrust Him the side
You had to be quite close to Him. I’m sure you know it well.
The day they murdered God most High and sent Him off to Hell.
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday 28th June 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011


There is no place more lovely in the world
Than that which nestles on the Southern tip
Of Africa.  With coast line gently curled
Between two mighty oceans.  Where a ship
Can hide from storms ferocious or can cruise
Upon a blue and balmy azure sea.
A land of contrast and stupendous views
Of nature in majestic panoply
Of variation.  Where one can decide
To work or play;  to strive;  to dig for gold;
Where first and third world jostle side by side
And where it never gets too hot nor cold.
A piece of heaven missing from above
South Africa.  The land I truly love.

Thanks for the Business
Written when I was employed by Old Mutual as a thank you card to those who I visited. 
It's usually quite hard to find
A person who will feel inclined
To spend some time establishing
Just what the future has to bring!
So when I do, I like to send
A special "Thank You" to that friend,
For giving up his time for me
To help with his prosperity!
And I would like to say to you
"If there is more that I can do,
To help with your security,
Don't hesitate to contact me,
And I will do my very best
To satisfy what you request,
And help with what you need to do,
To make your every dream come true."
Jim Strickland – written 28th June 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011


We know the Lord is coming back. We do not know the date.
For just about two thousand years. Some think it’s rather late.
It taken Him a bit too long. At least that’s what we say.
But all of us would like to think that it was yesterday.
We have a major problem. We’re locked in time and space.
That’s not true in the Spirit realm; They do not have to face
The things that we put up with. Alarm clocks don’t exist.
And every moment is the same. The boss does not insist,
That you are always punctual. Why should he? After all,
There aren’t any seasons. No summer, spring or fall.
It’s neither late nor early; no sorrow and no tears.
And one “day” in eternity is as a thousand years!
Of course this isn’t helpful when we are standing by.
The reason we are in a rush is that we know we’ll die.
So if the Lord ascended two thousand years ago,
It’s only been two days for Him. By no means is that slow!
When seen from this perspective, it makes a lot of sense.
It’s only in the eyes of men that time seems so immense.
But one day it will happen. We know He will return.
We know that for His enemies that they will surely burn.
He’ll have His people with Him; but those who’re left behind,
Will know the end has come for them. No wonder that we find,
These people in a frenzy. There is nowhere they can hide.
They’ll look to find concealment in caves or mountainside.
They’ll pray the rocks will fall on them. His wrath they cannot face.
They cannot stand before Him; for they rejected grace.
His eyes will flash with fire. They know their time is done.
And who can ever stand before God’s One and Only Son?
If only they had listened. Instead they laughed at those,
Who knew the loving Saviour; and all they did’ was doze.
But those who are His people will laugh and dance with glee.
Not at the awful future for Jesu’s enemies.
But at the great salvation that Jesus Christ has brought.
They’ll be with Him forever. Because His blood has bought
His people from their slavery from Satan and from sin.
They will know His love for them and see that special grin,
That He’s provided for them. A sign it is the end,
Of all the sin and wickedness that Satan chose to send.
Jim Strickland – written. Monday, 27 June 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Was it really worth it, all that struggling and pain?
If you could start all over would you do it all again?
Would you burn the midnight oil and rise again at five?
Fighting with your problems in order to survive?
Perhaps you will not benefit but others surely will.
And ultimately you will know the glory of the thrill,
Of seeing what has happened reflected in the eyes,
Of someone who’s succeeded and is so glad you were wise.
So think for just a moment about Jabez and his mum.
Not the sort of woman you’d have under your thumb.
She had been delivered. Her labour was all done.
And in her arms was nestled a beautiful new son.
She called the baby Jabez because her labour pain
Had brought her baby to her. It wasn’t all in vain.
And as he grew to manhood, he turned to God and cried,
“Lord God of our nation, extend my borders wide
Lord I seek Your blessing! Lord, keep me from all harm.
Lead me with your strong right hand. Give me Your healing balm.
Lord God in Your wisdom drive suffering away,
That I might have a pain free life each morning every day.”
The Lord Most High was listening. He heard his heartfelt plea.
And in His Holy Wisdom, He said, “So let it be”!
Consider for a moment this well known Jabez prayer.
Did God make it happen because he had a flair
For deeper intercession? Let’s not go down that route.
God doesn’t give us reasons. That would be far too cute!
He tells us, “Think about it, The answer’s not concealed.
Keep on asking for it and all will be revealed.”
Take your eyes off Jabez. Seek, you’ll surely find.
Think about his mother and what was on her mind.
An honourable woman who took the time to plead,
She brought her son before Me, without a hint of greed.
She was a faithful servant. Her blessings were transferred,
Down many generations according to My Word”.
It wasn’t only Jabez whom God was honouring.
His mother and the women who do the righteous thing,
And come in intercession. It’s also their reward,
For all their many hours of devotion to the Lord.
The many midnight hours of prayer; of getting up at five,
To intercede for children who’d only just arrived!
They mustn’t be forgotten, passed over or ignored.
It’s time that they are recognised, not only by the Lord,
But also by their fathers, their husbands and their sons,
For what they’ve contributed and all that they have done
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 26 June 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011


We’ve wondered what He’ll look like when Jesus Christ returns.
The more that we consider it the more the question burns.
We try and work it all out; His height and weight and size.
We think about His hairstyle and the colour of His eyes.
Will He be in a pinstripe suit or in a flowing gown?
And where is it we’ll meet Him and will it be in town?
These thoughts are academic. I don’t think we will care.
We’ll all be so excited that we are with Him there.
Some people have suggested there’ll be a massive crowd.
So big we’ll have to meet Him as He comes through the clouds.
This seems the biggest problem. Our cities are too small.
Our stadiums are “pipsqueak”, not big enough at all!
Just think of all the Christians in the past two thousand years.
The angels and the saints of old. It certainly appears
That we’ll be packed together like sardines in a tin.
But will it really bother us if we can be with Him?
Perhaps we will surround Him in some sort of a ball,
With Jesus in the centre – our God and Lord of all.
How will the world receive Him? I think they’ll weep and wail.
The wasted opportunities; perhaps their hearts will fail?
Perhaps recriminations will spiral out of hand.
But righteousness will take control in each and every land.
One thing we know for certain, we’ll see Him as He is.
No longer just a promise; .at last we will be His.
Yes, we will be God’s children because we have received
The Lord of all creation. In Him we have believed!
His great and precious promises at last will all come true.
And all He has prepared for us will flood into our view.
We cannot comprehend the things that Jesus has prepared.
The blessings we’ve experienced just cannot be compared,
With what He has stored up for us. Our minds would all go “tilt”
If we had just an inkling of what He’s done and built.
And we will fully know Him! We’ll see Him face to face.
No longer a reflection; but the fullness of His grace.
A resurrection body like His we will “put on”.
Our lowly bodies be transformed; our former struggles gone.
But what is most important and worth it’s weight in gold
Is that when we are with Him we’ll never more grow old.
And that which we’ve experienced we’ll find was so worth while.
For more than all of the rewards, will be to see Him smile.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 25 June 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011


They didn’t march just anyhow but how the Lord decreed.
To do it any other way would not increase their speed.
It would be a disaster. The Lord would not endorse,
A different way of marching. It was His stated course.
So why was this so different on those three special days?
To really understand it, see what the Bible says.
The Ark was in the centre. God’s pillar took the lead.
To point out the direction His people had to heed
The cloud provided shelter from the scorching midday sun
The fire kept them warm at night until the day begun
Was this an exception with the Ark up front instead?
A quaint misunderstanding of the words that we have read?
There’s no way to be certain but of this we can be sure.
A King can lead an army from anywhere secure!!!
Even if He’s standing in the middle of His troops,
His standard goes in front of them in case their spirit droops!
He’s just as much their leader regardless where He’s placed.
His leadership inspires them; they will not be disgraced.
Perhaps this is the meaning God decided to display.
For God will lead His people in His very special way.
His actual location is the spot which He decides.
He’s also all around them and since He always guides,
His actual position be it middle, front or rear,
Is rather immaterial. He’s unquestionably near.
So what is it we learn from this extraordinary tale?
Perhaps the most important is that He will never fail.
He’ll lead and guide His followers. He can’t be undermined.
Perhaps we cannot pinpoint Him but those who seek Him, find.
For He is all around us. He’s north, south, east and west.
To lead us to wherever from the place that suits Him best.
He’ll always be attentive to His people when we pray.
Omnipotent, omniscient in His omnipresent way.
And as He led His people in those days so long ago,
He’ll always be the leader of the ones who love Him so.
Jim  Strickland – written Friday, 24 June 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


He’s called the Holy Spirit; the God Who’s everywhere.
No matter what you say or think, the Holy Spirit’s there.
The middle of the brightest star; that place is not exempt.
The power of the universe. No one has every dreamt,
Of any place where He is not. No person can conceive,
Of anywhere He isn’t. No force can make Him leave.
He’s like a throbbing dynamo that cannot controlled
The Member of the Trinity with qualities untold,
Who flows between the Father and His Most Precious Son;
The mighty energy by which the universe is run.
And yet He is a Person, He isn’t just a force.
He has a personality He’s not just a resource.
He’s quite incomprehensible to feeble human minds.
Could you describe a sunset to somebody born blind?
He always has existed. When time and space were made,
He caused it all to happen. God spoke – it was obeyed!
He’s always been amongst us. Old Testament and New,
Describe what He was doing and what He would still do.
Before the death of Jesus, He mainly came upon,
The kings and priests and prophets; they spoke and He was gone.
That’s how God’s Word informs us that “prophecy” took place.
He hardly ever dwelled within that fallen human race.
But when the Lord ascended, a new phase was begun.
He came to dwell inside those committed to God’s Son.
For Jesus Christ had promised His Spirit would indwell,
The ones who had believed in Him and cut their ties with Hell.
So now in the New Testament we see what He can do.
He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you.
He comes with all His power. He is our “paraclete”
Our Advocate, our Holy Guide, our Escort Who can beat
Anyone who’s influenced by Satan’s wicked touch.
The Holy Spirit active in a Christian is too much
For Satan and his forces to ever overpower.
In Jesus Christ we’ve all become a Holy Spirit tower,
That reaches to the heavens and Satan can’t defeat.
The only “weapon” he can use for Christians to beat
Is if we start believing deception and his lies.
Which merely are his demons approaching in disguise.
So let the Holy Spirit do His work through you.
He is the Christian’s victory in all we say and do.
Let us all take courage. Stand strong and firm and tall.
Jesus and His Spirit will never let you fall.
And when the battle’s over, as soon as you have won,
Give glory to the Father, His Spirit and His Son.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 23 June 2011