Thursday, June 30, 2011


We need to have a method that’s as sure as it can be,
To know the Holy Spirit is alive in you and me.
It cannot be a colour or that would advertise,
To everyone what happens when they look into our eyes!
It cannot be a halo, or everyone could see,
That you and I are holy when they know it cannot be!
It has to be a quality that flows from deep within.
A fervent contradiction to all that looks like sin.
And yet it must be visible and never in dispute,
And surely that’s the reason it’s spoken of as fruit.
It has to be discernable so everyone can know,
That surely what their looking at is pure as driven snow.
It has to be distinguished as left hand from the right.
It also must be pleasing to everyone in sight.
The proper word is character. That shapes the things we do.
It has to be consistent, inflexible and true.
It mustn’t vary daily as the product of a whim,
But something that will demonstrate our burning love for Him.
We know that love’s included. It cannot tolerate,
The tiniest suggestion of any form of hate.
It has to make us joyful in spite of circumstance,
No matter what is happening deliberately or chance,
The joy deep down within us must be clear and true and strong,
That even though we’re crying, our hearts are filled with song.
Peace is not the option of the absence of all war.
Instead it is a quality that’s worth our dying for.
In spite of every effort that the enemy can bring,
It’s knowing He is with us in spite of everything.
It’s patience through the hardship of an overwhelming trial,
Retraining our composure as we go the extra mile.
It’s kindness when confronted by deep bitterness and gall,
Knowing your reaction will confound them one and all.
It’s doing everything you can for someone else’s good.
And doing it with willingness not just because we should.
It’s faithfulness and gentleness and perfect self control,
Not because observers are looking for our goal,
But simply ‘cause it’s always the proper thing to do.
Even when all Satan’s hordes are chasing after you.
Isn’t this the character that others want to see,
Present in the lifestyle of folk like you and me?
Will we see these qualities no matter where we go?
Only in a Christian who’s not putting on a show.
For this is the lifestyle of Jesus Christ our King.
So let’s vow to copy it, whatever life may bring.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 01 July 2011

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