Saturday, July 2, 2011


Communion or Passover, Which one do you select?
Is there some special way for us whereby we can detect
The one that’s more important? If it was put to you,
Which one would find your preference; which one is the most true?
Of course the question’s silly. They both are much the same.
The one we find in Exodus; the one in Jesus’ Name.
Of course they’re not identical; No way could that be fact.
The one is in the upper room; the other action packed.
The one reads like a comic with pictures and with text.
It isn’t difficult to read; we know what happens next.
The one is mainly Jewish; They were Egyptian slaves.
The other is more Roman and proves that Jesus saves.
The stories are quite different and so it’s hard to spot,
That both declare God’s glory, as His “forget-me-not”.
The Hebrew ram was perfect; a yearling in it’s prime.
The Roman one was Perfect; the Son of God Divine.
The Hebrew one was sacrificed. It throat was cut to bleed.
Its life was slowly drained away; a bloody act indeed.
The Roman one was sacrificed upon a cruel cross.
The blood ran down his body, He died from His blood loss.
The Hebrew one was sacrificed; the timing was precise.
The very instant when God’s lamb was being sacrificed.
The blood upon the lintels of every house door frame.
Looked rather like a bloody cross on which God’s ram was slain.
The Hebrews hear the weeping; All Egypt’s first born son.
Were taken by death’s angel. That “Passover” was done.
But those who were protected by the sprinkled blood were free.
Their children and their animals were set at liberty.
The life and death of Jesus shines forth in every place.
The Hebrews saw it happening. We witness it by grace.
So which is more important? The image is the same.
The story book of Exodus and Calvary both claim
To tell us all what happened; and both of them are true.
Perhaps it’s the perspective you want to have in view.
But this one thing is certain. Death’s angel passed us by,
The moment that the lamb of God decided He would die.
He shed His blood upon us and saved us all by grace.
It really didn’t matter; the proper time or place,
The end is still consistent with what happened way back then,
And nobody can change it until Jesus comes again.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 02 July 2011

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