Saturday, July 2, 2011


If ever I had told you that Abraham’s my dad,
Tell me your reaction; the Jews would say. “He’s mad”
Where’s his circumcision, what about his nose?
Was he in the loony bin? He must be one of those!
Now in the world of nature, I guess they would be right.
I’ve got no Jewish ancestors; not even one in sight.
And flowing though my bloodstream is not the blood of Shem.
I’m told it’s purely gentile. So rightly they condemn,
And tell me I’m from Japheth of European stock,
And so my claim to “Jewish-ness” must surely take a knock.
And yet the Scripture tells me that what I’ve said is true.
I have no Jewish ancestors and yet I am a “Jew”. * see note below
Not by genealogy for that could never be.
But having faith in Jesus Christ affects my ancestry.
It seems I’ve been adopted into The Holy line.
My faith in God and Jesus means both of Them are mine.
Abraham believed God for what he couldn’t see,
And though it seemed impossible, he hung on constantly.
So he received the promise. The promised son was born.
Isaac, Jesu’s ancestor, was brought forth on that morn.
It really wasn’t difficult, the lineage came and went;
Waiting till the moment that the Son of God was sent.
But which one was the Promised Son? Sure, Isaac came along;
But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He was the Promised One.
So Abraham was trusting God for Whom he didn’t know.
But God had made a promise and He would make it so.
This was the type of trusting that Father God desired.
A faith that never wavered and was utterly inspired.
So Jesus was the offspring to which Father God referred.
The others were all waiting for the fullness of His Word.
And anyone who trusts in God like Abraham that day,
Are offspring of the Father whatever others say!
The fact is I’m as much a “Jew” as those in Jesu’ line;
Only by my trusting in the Word of God Divine.
Not by mutilation of a portion of the skin,
But trusting Jesu’s mercy for forgiveness of my sin.
Nothing else will help me. It is by faith alone,
That I’m a son of Abraham the way that He has shown.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 03 July 2011
  Strictly speaking, “Jews” are the descendants of Judah, Jacob’s 4th son by Leah. But common usage today calls all Abraham’s progeny “Jews”

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