Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The hardest thing to understand on this side of the grave
Is what is meant when we say “love” and how can this love save?
We must go back to basics and look at it God’s way.
It hasn’t been invented nor dreamed up yesterday.
We know it’s not a feeling for that would be too trite.
It must be something special for morning, noon and night.
It can’t be an emotion for that’s the way we feel.
It has to be more tangible and absolutely real.
It must be something permanent. It mustn’t come and go.
A very special quality that when it’s there, we know.
It can’t be merely sexual though sex does play a part.
But sex is quickly gratified and shouldn’t stop and start.
It has to be eternal; a Quality God made;
A “thing” that, when it’s taken on, will never ever fade.
We cannot “love” our breakfast, for food will be destroyed.
It cannot be a feeling like when we feel “annoyed”.
It cannot be a motor car. Such “things” are bound to rust.
And even giant mountains will someday turn to dust.
So where is there a meaning? How do we know it’s “there”?
The Bible gives the secret; it’s deep in God somewhere.
It doesn’t say He’s loving; it tells us He is love.
This takes us to the Spirit world in Heaven High above.
It must be a commitment that He will never break.
It has to be a way of life that He will not forsake.
It has to be an action that lasts eternally.
For time can make no influence on what God said will be.
It really doesn’t matter how other folk respond,
The love of God continues above and far beyond
Our human limitations. It truly has no end.
It’s something that we give away; it’s not something we lend.
It’s something the Lord Jesus came to earth to do
And even when they tortured Him and beat Him black and blue;
In spite of crucifixion. With every word He spoke,
He showed us all the way to love and proved it was no joke.
That’s why in first Corinthians from verse one to the end,
Paul spoke about the love of God and taught us to depend,
Not on imperfect feelings but as a way of life.
That’s changeless and unwavering as man should love his wife.
For as we give our lives away for our dear marriage mate;
And swear that we will care for her beyond our dying date,
We start to see what Jesus meant when He came down to earth.
To give us all another chance; to find a second birth.
No matter just how bad we’ve been or how we’ve turned away.
Consistently to change us all to be with Him one day.
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday, 07 June 2011

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