Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The hardest thing to understand is that the Lord loves me.
In spite of all that I have done and all that still may be,
He tells me that He loves me. How does He get that right?
A creature from this darkened world devoid of His great light?
What is there that attracts Him. I really wish I knew.
I think that I would bottle it as “supernatural brew”.
I’ve spent my days in idleness or always on the run.
My nights in such licentiousness, and yet He calls me son!
Perhaps the Lord is crazy. I know I can’t love me.
But somewhere in this carcass, there’s something He can see.
Don’t tell Him of my problem. He just might turn away.
That’s much more than I can face as day succeeds to day.
I may not understand it. I might not give Him thanks.
But please don’t let Him leave me to get on with my pranks.
The fact is that I love Him. Please do not ask me why.
I’d climb the highest mountain. I think I’d even die
If I thought He would leave me. His love holds me in chains.
Please do not come and take them off. I’d put them on again.
I’ve not been this excited since I was in my teens.
It was in those far off days I learned what true love means.
No matter what I tried to do I couldn’t get away.
I’d follow her no matter where she travelled to that day.
I’d walk a dozen miles or more to see her lovely smile.
And after that I’d go back home. No person could beguile
And change my inside attitude the way that woman could.
This is my sort of “bench mark” for doing what I should.
But what is so amazing; He does all this for me.
He’s like a hound of heaven and will not let me be.
And yet I’m not complaining. He woos me night and day.
I didn’t think it possible for Him to love this way.
It seemed so out of character. There’s others He could woo,
And then He looks into my eyes and says, “I’ve come for you”!
I try to comprehend it but it nowhere in my head.
Is their some great equation that says,”Let us be wed!”
I thought I’d be the altar boy. I couldn’t be the bride.
He isn’t for the likes of you is what my mind implied.
So now my precious lover has called me as His bride.
I’m walking down the bridal path and bubbling inside.
There are so many people much better off than me.
But Jesus has decided. Oh Lord let this thing be!
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 13 July 2011

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