Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I walked into the orchard a year or two ago.
I’d gone to pick some grapefruit. A foolish quest I know.
For there was not a grapefruit tree anywhere around.
The only things that I could spot were apples on the ground.
But they weren’t on the menu. It’s grapefruit I desired.
Why weren’t they in the orchard, for that’s what I required?
I felt a little foolish. The orchard was all mine
I’d bought a great big pack of seed and planted them on time.
I’d planned a great big harvest of succulent grapefruit.
But all I got was apples that looked so small and cute.
I couldn’t understand it. Where had it all gone wrong?
I went back to the market place to sing this lengthy song.
If you’d have wanted grapefruit, why did you come and buy,
A number of the apple trees?” That’s when I heaved a sigh.
I didn’t understand it. The trees all looked the same.
The leaves were somewhat different with nobody to blame.
It surely makes no difference, is what I told the man.
If you can’t tell the difference, be certain that I can.
You cannot grow big grapefruit upon an apple tree.
To make this gross assumption is pure stupidity.
You only get what’s planted. It always works that way.
An apple tree bears apples no matter what folk say.”
I felt a little silly. I knew that it was true.
That’s when I paused to scratch my head and wondered what to do.
There had to be an answer. The guests would soon arrive.
And if there were no grapefruit, they’d all skin me alive.
That’s when the doorbell sounded. What was there I could do?
I thought of feigning illness but that would be untrue.
That’s when I had a brainwave. I brought the apples in.
I painted them all yellow and cut away the skin.
They didn’t look like grapefruit. But who would ever know?
If I called them a brand new strain; that was the way to go!
Then I remembered Jesus. I couldn’t lie to Him.
He knew me from the inside out. His mind was never dim.
I’d have to tell the story. The truth would have to out.
And anyway, He loved me. Of that there was no doubt.
So as the guests all entered, I told them what I’d done.
There was a shout of laughter and they enjoyed the fun
The dinner was successful and to this very day
We talk about the grapefruit with apples on display.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 14 July 2011

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