Saturday, August 20, 2011


God is a special person. This is the starting phrase.
We know He isn’t human but has many human ways.
But unlike everyone I know whom I have ever met.
Our God is not a liar or in any person’s debt.
He doesn’t tell us stories in which there is no truth.
He keeps away from falsehood and never is uncouth.
The words that He has stated are absolutely clear.
And nothing can be hidden for He is always near.
He sets a certain standard; He expects that we obey
And none of us can think that we can turn to Him and say,
Anything imperfect that’s not truth personified.
For He can tell the instant that any of us lie.
We know this is His nature. We know it has to be.
A lie can’t hold the universe for all eternity.
Anything untruthful would surely fall apart.
There no other foundation for something that’s this smart!
If He began creation with a certain plan in mind,
Think of what would happen if the truth you couldn’t find.
Everything would crumble and end up in a heap.
But God is not a liar whose words He cannot keep.
In fact He’s so much more than that. We know He doesn’t change.
We may think this is difficult and absolutely strange,
But if on one occasion He chose to change His mind.
Nothing He’s created would be possible to find.
We know His people alter. We have to come in line
With all that He’s intended according to design.
But if He’s inconsistent where do you think that we’d be?
Not even a shadow in His unformed history.
It goes without our saying, we cannot change a bit.
Jesus makes quite sure of this in order that we fit
Into the great salvation the Trinity designed.
Their plan was in position when He called us from His mind.
It wasn’t going to happen and “nothing” was the norm.
Until He spoke the words He did and all began to form.
And even when it started so many years ago,
He knew where we are heading and how we had to go.
It sounds a wee bit fanciful. How Could all this be known?
It tells us in the Bible that He reaps what He has sown.
So when we were all planted when He called the world to  be,
The object of His exercise was making you and me!
It’s what the Lord intended before the worlds were made,
And everything is just this way so He would be obeyed.
 Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 20 August 2011

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