Saturday, August 20, 2011


I gave my life to Jesus and thought I’d lost it all;
My dreams and my ambitions, my plans both large and small.
I gave them to My Master. Henceforth He’d call the shots.
But I had made a big mistake. I sort of lost the plot.
Oh yes He was my Master. That point was very clear.
But I would make decisions as days gave way to years.
It was the way He wanted it. A robot was no use.
To think that I would just sit back was really most obtuse.
I had to do the following. He’d only point the way.
And it was me who had to do the things He said each day.
Of course I was a Christian. I’m His and He is mine.
But when it comes to action, I’ve got to keep in line.
He will not do the things for me that I’m supposed to do.
The life that’s lived from day to do is lived by me or you.
And this is right and proper. It is my life to live.
If I am not responsible, what is there to forgive?
Of course He is the Master and He is in control.
But He is just the pilot and it is still my soul.
This is the greatest comfort. The ultimate design.
This is the way it has to be; locked in with Christ Divine.
There’s nothing more exciting and He’s made life a blast!
And I am thrilled that as a youth I nailed onto the mast,
The colours of my future. In Jesus I can boast.
He’s washed away my wrinkles and He has made the most,
Of everything before me. My future is secure,
Because the very Lord of Life has made my black heart pure!
I wear His robe of righteousness. I’m decked out as His bride.
There’s nothing more that I desire. I’m filled with Him inside!
Who else is there in heaven that any could desire?
And even when I’m feeling weak, He strengthens me with fire.
The fire of His Spirit. The One who makes Him real.
The Holy One who fills us all with power, love and zeal.
Does this mean there’s no trouble? That never could be true.
But He is my inheritance. I stick to Him like glue!
The world may have its master and worship other things;
But when I think of what He’s done, my spirit man just sings!
For He is all Who matters. Suffice for you and me.
He is my cup of blessing and ever more will be.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 21 August 2011

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