Monday, October 31, 2011


"My child, you know I love you. Put away your fear.
The fact is, it's your attitude that stops Me drawing near.
I've called you to a holy life, and one of constant prayer;
To leading many people, and teaching them to share;
Of leading by example, and not by word alone.
Therefore, take the time to hear the things which I have shown."
"You must start to talk with Me, whenever there's a chance;
Never mind the circumstance; never mind the glance
Other men may give you; their thoughts do not matter;
You must follow after Me, not men's idle chatter.
Son, there's no occasion that's special for a chat.
We can be in fellowship, regardless where you're at.
Driving in your motorcar; Lying on your bed;
Everywhere you go, or are, I'm right inside your head!"
"Praying is so easy. It's done naturally.
All you have to do, is think, and you're in touch with Me!
It isn't a position, nor any special time;
To limit Me to intervals, that is the greatest crime!
I bid you therefore, do it; Start communicating
With Me every chance you get. It's Me you're keeping waiting!
You're the one with problems, which will all disappear,
As soon as we're in fellowship, and you allow Me near.
Do it son, and tell those with whom you minister,
This is the kind of prayer life, I want them all to share;
Being in My presence is what they will enjoy;
They have had a sample now, and I will employ
All of them in teaching that prayer's a way of life;
As natural as speaking between a man and wife.
It isn't being pompous, nor turgid liturgy;
Instead, it's a relationship that's personal, and free,
With Me! Their Lord and Master. It's being closely knit,
In deep communication with Me, as I see fit."
"So teach this to the people; tell them that there's more
To praying to their Maker, than kneeling on the floor,
Or prone before the altar. for, though that has its place,
The purpose of the exercise is being face to face!
Certainly I'm awesome, and I require respect.
But for My sons and daughters, the way I will perfect
Is intimate, communion; Not distant recognition;
They're members of My family, and so their right position
Is here beside My Father; where actually, I'm seated.
They don't have to grovel, as though they've been defeated!"
"Give them all encouragement to get to know me more;
Talk with Me whenever; Not only from the floor.
That's how I desire it; A life of constant prayer,
With Me, their God and Saviour, whose presence is right there."
Jim Strickland – Written – October 1998

Sunday, October 30, 2011


 We know that God is different in all respects from man.
There’s nothing He’s in need of. He needn’t make a plan.
One word and it has happened. It steps into its place.
Such things are quite impossible for all the human race.
Exactly how He does it, is anybody’s guess.
We know it’s by His Spirit. A miracle – no less.
It isn’t done by power, although God has it all.
It is a mighty action, which nothing else can stall.
His Spirit knows what’s needed. It’s clearer than a bell.
In such exquisite detail, too beautiful to tell.
The angel told Zerubbabel, this was the way to go.
The temple would be finalised; the capstone surely show,
That grace had been triumphant. Not power and not might.
God Spirit had achieved it in everybody’s sight.
God didn’t need instructions. No one can tell Him how.
The world may think it’s foolishness and what to do right now.
But all is in position and those of humble birth,
Would soon behold the Saviour, Who came for all the earth.
But where was it they’d find Him? They’d look for Him in vain.
The wind blows where it wishes. We know not whence it came.
We hear it in the tree tops. But no one ever sees,
The way the Spirit of the Lord is like a holy breeze.
How do we understand this? What is it that we mean?
Can anyone explain the way the Spirit can be seen?
But those born of the Spirit, do not need might or power.
The Lord is their protector; their wonderful High Tower.
As fearless as the High Priest. Like Joshua of old.
Who followed God’s instructions and did as he was told.
It wasn’t done by power. It wasn’t done by might.
It was the Holy Spirit through Whom they got it right.
They didn’t have to tremble; they didn’t have to fear.
The Spirit of the Living God was always very near.
Perhaps it’s all Old Testament. But much is still the same.
It isn’t by our ability; it’s only Jesus’ Name,
That draws to a conclusion. His Spirit is the way,
For us to win the battle and help us take the day.
For if it is God’s battle, then we can watch Him win,
The battle over Satan’s might and all the power of sin.
Jim Strickland – Written – 31st October 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011


You tell us to be patient Lord and wait for You to act.
To not be in a hurry and nothing will be lacked.
And Lord, we all acknowledge, the things You say are true.
And everything You say is what You’re wanting us to do.
But all of us are living in a universe of time.
We are not immortal in Your Spirit paradigm.
We do not live forever; our time on earth is brief.
We flourish for a moment and then vanish like a leaf.
There is no other method. Imperfect men must die.
We’ve earned sin’s dreadful wages; they will not pass us by.
Perhaps it was our ancestors who turned to sin and fell.
But we are still imprisoned in Satan’s “living Hell”.
So when You say “Be patient”, we do not understand,
The timing of Your prophesies; or what it is You’ve planned.
You tell us in the Bible, that You are coming soon.
But from our time perspective, that’s like walking on the moon.
You say in Your economy one day’s a thousand years.
So we don’t understand it. It’s not what it appears!
Yet Lord we’ve seen Your mercy. We’ve seen in every way,
The things you do for people, who have taken time to pray.
They are not disappointed. A perfect interlude,
Takes place before it happens and it can be construed.
And so we take the option that leads us to success.
We put aside all judgement and ask You Lord, to bless
The people who are threatening to take us into Court.
They don’t know what they’re doing and so they all resort,
To seek what they are after, by fair means or by foul.
They think we will surrender or just throw in the towel.
So Master in obedience, we’ll stand aside and wait.
The enemy will panic in a most confusing state.
They’ll fight with one another and slaughter all our foes.
We’ll only need to stand and watch just how the battle goes.
This is the fruit of patience. In spite of all our fears,
The Lord will be victorious and wash away our tears.
If we will wait for Him and let patience have it’s way,
We’ll see a mighty miracle arrive from God today.
The outcome is as certain as the autumn and spring rain.
The only thing in question, “When will You come again?”
Jim Strickland – Written 30th October 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011


We know that God created the women and the men.
He said go forth and multiply; and we know that since then,
There’s been a sort of “tussle” between husband and his bride,
To following Jehovah the way that each decide!
It isn’t a great contest; each has its special role.
A man is not a woman or how could we be whole?
A woman isn’t masculine; thank God it cannot be.
But in our own exclusiveness, there’s things we cannot see.
My wife can’t be my husband. it doesn’t work that way
But husbands have a problem that faces them each day.
It all relates to Jesus and the things which we’ve been told.
Regardless of our gender, we know as things unfold,
That Jesus is our husband and we’re His precious bride!
I find that most confusing; and though I’ve often tried,
To somehow get my head around exactly what this means.
I cannot wear a wedding dress! I’m comfortable in jeans!
And yet, He is my Saviour. I love Him passionately.
I’m willing to be anything that He would have me be.
But how do men relate to this? We don’t know what to do.
The ladies do it perfectly. But what of me and you?
The Lord gave us directions. It’s found in Song of Songs.
A passionate relationship for which a Christian longs.
It speaks of how a woman and her husband can relate,
In ways that are too intimate for me to ever state.
She loves Him with a passion that only He can match.
It’s like a roaring fire, that we would love to catch.
It tells us that His love for her is totally unique.
A love that men and women continually seek.
It helps me to appreciate the longing in her soul.
A longing so exquisite, that it is now my goal.
A love that is far greater than gender-based desires.
A love for which I’m longing; a love which so inspires,
The husband and the bride to be so absolutely one,
That every trace of gender has somehow past and gone.
For when I think of Jesus, I’m longing to submit.
To wallow in His loving arms, until I’m somehow fit,
To be what He is wanting. For He’s my all in all.
For Him to be my husband! My God! It is Your call!
Jim Strickland – Written 29 October 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011


When reading in Isaiah, It comes as a surprise,
That what the prophet looked at, is still before our eyes!
Our courts oppose the righteous. It seems that happens still;
And trying to find justice, is like pushing up a hill,
A barrow load of heavy stones with no one to assist.
No wonder that our law-courts are something we have missed.
Truth cannot be located unless it has been stretched.
And honesty imported. From “overseas” it’s fetched!
Now in the days of history, when prophets looked around,
They saw this sort of problem, continuously abound.
They knew that from His Heaven, the Lord could see it all.
And figured out He’d soon require the “true repentance” call.
And yet, as He looked at it, He really was amazed.
Surely there was someone, who by this wasn’t fazed?
But no one ever volunteered to put the whole thing right.
No one who would intervene, to turn the darkness light.
So He made a decision. He’d have to do it all.
So He put on His Righteousness to make all evil fall.
Salvation was the helmet; He put upon His head.
If anybody interfered, they’d wish that they were dead!
And all down through the centuries, the story’s much the same.
He’d have to send in Jesus to foil this wicked game.
He didn’t want a sacrifice. The blood of bulls and goats
Were not what He desired; it didn’t get His vote.
And so He sent in someone Who longed to do His will.
He gave to Him a body, His purpose to fulfil.
The Scriptures say He loved it. Your will was all His joy.
Your words were written on His heart. That was a clever ploy!
We’re also told that He was free to lay His whole life down.
That He could take it up again, much like a dressing gown.
He said that this authority had come direct from You.
And since You are the only God, it really must be true.
He sent a righteous Saviour. He is the only way,
For anyone to come to God, regardless what men say.
There is no Name in heaven and none upon the earth,
That’s able to redeem a man and bring him second birth.
So Lord today we thank You. You’ve blessed us with Your wealth.
You’ve taken on our poverty. Our future? Divine health!
Jim Strickland – Written 28 October 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Cleanliness and Godliness are neighbours; so they say.
It isn’t in the Scriptures, but seems to work that way.
We can’t imagine Jesus, revelling in dirt.
The only time it happened, was when He had been hurt.
The crucifixion process was a million miles from clean.
And when the Romans finished, you’d know what “filth” could mean.
So it was out of character. He didn’t live that way.
You can’t cleanse people of their sin, if you’re as “black” as they.
So cleanliness and Godliness go surely hand in hand.
And smut and moral filthiness, were never what He planned.
All the religious people, who lived in Jesus, day,
Washed themselves and tried to keep all sinfulness away.
It had become a fetish. Hand washing a demand.
You couldn’t even have a meal, until you’d washed your hands.
It is of course, quite proper. A Christian should be clean.
But why were they fastidious? What had these people seen?
The answer can summed up in one word – “leprosy”.
There wasn’t any cure for it. It killed you - gradually.
It made you look repulsive, to those who looked at you.
You had to leave the city where a touch was a taboo.
You couldn’t find employment. You had to keep away.
You had to shout the word “unclean” to keep your friends at bay.
It somehow was equated as the counterpart of sin.
You were not healed, but cleansed from the condition you were in.
The priest declared you leprous; or stated you were clean.
He first had to examine you and say what he had seen.
It really was a rigmarole, a prescribed cleansing right,
That Moses’ law demanded to be “clean” in people’s sight’
Sufferers from leprosy would have to scrounge for food.
They’d “haunt” the city garbage dump. Whatever could be chewed,
Became their meagre diet; and so the people thought,
That leprosy was something that “dirty” people caught.
It is against this background that the “washing of the hands”.
Began to be required by the folk throughout the land.
It wasn’t very long before the Scribes and Pharisees,
Thought it was essential, the Sovereign Lord to please!
Then Jesus cleansed a leper. He did it with one touch.
Then the religious people thought that this was a bit much.
How could He stoop to do it?! It was a filthy act!
How dare He think that Yahweh this “miracle” had backed?
They couldn’t comprehend it. How dare this “man” come near,
A filthy dirty leper. They thought that it was clear,
Beelzebub had caused his leprosy to go away.
O Lord what an injustice. To think, that on that day,
 That Satan had done something that by Your love was done.
And only was made possible, because You are God’s Son!
Jim Strickland – Written 27th October 2011