Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The alarm clock rang that morning to say, "get out of bed!"
I closed my eyes and turned it off; went back to sleep instead.
I thought that I was dreaming and talking to the Lord.
“Dear Master I need patience; more than I can afford”.
His face was smiling gently with mischief in His eyes.
“I think you’ve slept quite long enough. Now it is time to rise”
Then suddenly I heard the clock from downstairs in the hall.
It told me I was running late; no time was left at all.
I threw aside the bedclothes and leapt out of the bed,
So fast it made me stumble and really bump my head.
The pain the bump had given caused me to stub my toe.
I hoped into the bathroom and there, what do you know,
There wasn’t any toothpaste; the tube had been squeezed flat.
And there was no hot water; and cat “wee” on the mat.
My razor wasn’t sharp enough; the shaving soap was gone.
“I’ll do it in the office, I have to carry on!
The toaster wasn’t working, the porridge full of lumps.
The oil upon the garage floor was leaking from the sump.
I backed the car out quickly and promptly scratched its side.
      I raced off to the office; don't ask about the ride.
  The traffic was impossible and so I was delayed.
The petrol tank ran empty; my nerves were getting frayed.
I couldn’t miss the meeting. I thought I’d get “the sack”!
And then there was no parking place; not on my beaten track.
My boss’s face was angry. His colour was bright red.
I thought that he would throttle me. He didn’t, but instead
My bonus was in jeopardy. And so the day wore on.
And everything I tried to do, just kept on going wrong.
I got home ninety minutes late and had to tell my wife,
That surely this just had to be the worst day in my life!
My supper had been ruined. The television broke.
So when at last I got to bed, I looked a sorry bloke.
That’s when I turned to Jesus and I began to wail.
I told Him all about my day and its unhappy tale.
I think I started crying and poured my sorrow out.
I didn’t get much sympathy and then we talked about,
The way the Master answers His children when they pray.
And that’s when I remembered what I had prayed that day.
I’d said I needed patience; then He said quietly,
“You’ve had all day to practice it; don’t bellyache to Me!”
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 01 June 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


He stood on the banks of the river
And gazed at the opposite shore,
With body and soul all aquiver
Afraid what next day had in store.
He'd sent all his earthly possessions
Across to the opposite side
And then, in the grips of depression,
Was left, by himself to abide.

The flocks and the herds and the other
Gifts he'd decided to send,
Lay in the path of his brother
Whom he was afraid to offend.
Behind them, his sons and the daughter
He'd had by his different wives,
Were placed in the front. No supporter
Of Jacob protected their lives!

So there was the famous deceiver,
Who'd cheated his brother before,
Gripped in a fear inspired fever,
Convinced that he couldn't do more.
There, through the night to the morning,
Alone by that stream, on that sod,
Through 'til the daybreak was dawning,
He violently struggled with God.

Now Jacob would not be defeated;
The struggle he wouldn't let slip;
Until, when the contest was heated,
The Angel disjointed his hip.
"Release Me! The dawn is now breaking!"
He then heard the Angel request.
But Jacob replied without quaking,
"I won't let You go 'til I'm blessed!"

The Angel then posed him a question
And asked him to tell Him, his name.
That's how, by the Angel's suggestion,
Israel, from Jacob, became.
"He struggled with God", they will call you,
For in this particular place,
By letting Your Maker enthral you,
You met with Him here, face to face!'

From that day he changed his behaviour;
No longer a cheat but a prince;
For he had confronted the Saviour
And no one's been tricked by him since.
He'd come to the place called Peniel;
The spot where we all go to meet
The Lord face to face through the trial
And 'wrestle' with Him 'til we're beat!

The struggle is yours for deciding
For Jesus can alter your name
From someone the world is deriding
And something that makes you look lame,
To being a simple believer;
A Christian in truth and in deed.
No longer a brother deceiver,
But someone who lives by His creed!
Jim Strickland – Written
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011


A fundamental fact is that God’s Word is not confused.
However, very often, His Word has been abused.
It’s frequently connected with the language of our day,
That understands the meaning in a somewhat different way.
A very good example is what is meant by “rest”.
To “sit down when you’re tired” is the one we know the best.
But God does not get tired! We know this is a fact.
So “rest” for the Almighty is to simply cease to act.
It’s not some sort of slumber in a geriatric chair.
It’s getting to the climax of His intentions there.
It isn’t inactivity; with nothing more to do.
It’s saying “It is finished; It’s completed through and through”.
This is the “rest” we’re called to in God’s Kingdom on this earth.
You enter through the narrow gate; we call it “second birth”.
Not many people find it; the way is rather tough.
It’s also very narrow and the pathway very rough.
But if you’re truly seeking for the Kingdom of the Lord,
It’s only through the narrow gate you’ll find His great reward.
There’s also an alternative you need to know as well.
The gate is wide, the road is broad that leads direct to hell.
The pathway’s rather easy with seats on which to nap;
It’s loaded with amusements intended to entrap,
The people walking on it with laziness and ease;
Along with Satan’s slogan, “Do anything you please”.
“Take a little slumber; sleep any time you choose”.
“Grab your opportunity for lechery and booze”.
But that is not God’s Kingdom; that’s not what He intends.
Not for His disciples, His followers and friends.
For them it’s like an athlete who wants to win a race;
Who rises to the challenge to meet what he has to face.
It’s harmonious contentment in heart and soul and mind,
Which gives a deep assurance to the peace we only find,
When knowing that the future depends upon God’s grace;
And experiencing joy in every aspect of the race.
It’s loving other people from a heart which overflows,
With an inner satisfaction, no matter where he goes.
It’s knowing the Lord Jesus will help him pass the test.
These constitute the quality and meaning of God’s rest.
So lastly in conclusion, which “rest” defines your days?
Satan’s chronic laziness or Jesu’s heart ablaze?
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 30 May 2011


It isn’t fashionable in the “Christian Church” today,
To speak about the blood of Christ in any sort of way.
“Who wants a ‘bloody gospel’? It’s rather ‘infra-dig’!
Our pulpits have been sanitised. We much prefer the prig
Who tolerates our concept, of a Gospel that’s devised,
To pander to decorum and a faith that’s “civilised”.
Which means the blood of Jesus is a definite “no-no”!
It only should be mentioned as a myth from long ago.
His cross, a fancy ornament the ladies like to wear,
Or as a sort of symbol we associate with prayer.
O Lord this is a tragedy; the people cannot see,
The way this sort of thinking twists Christianity,
Into a gross monstrosity; a characterisation
That Satan fabricated to emasculate salvation.
It doesn’t challenge anything or lead us to the Lord,
And leaves us condescending, duplicitous and bored.
And yet the blood of Jesus is God’s atomic bomb.
It blasts away our sinfulness, delivering us from
The power, that enslaved us and kept us in the chains
Of powerless religion that’s putrefied our brains.
Your blood is efficacious for cleansing us from sin.
Regardless of religion and all the other din,
That people are subjected to, to keep us deaf and blind,
To what is decomposing the hearts of all mankind.
It only takes a smidgen; a little tiny drop,
To devastate the enemy, compelling him to stop.
“Surrender - Unconditional” is what we now demand,
From Satan and his forces; for that’s what Jesus planned.
His blood, the mighty weapon that Satan can’t resist.
The only thing that he can do is shake an empty fist,
And make a lot of noise about the way it used to be,
When all he was promoting was “Christian apathy”.
So which way would you like it? To take His blood on board.
And use it as a weapon - the Lord’s atomic sword?
To pulverise the devil and smash the only power
That he has got available which used to make us cower?
Or will we crumble back into the former status quo,
Where “faith” is a religion, a useless, empty show?
That is the choice before us. Which is it going to be?
A spineless, empty jellyfish or Satan’s enemy?
Jim Strickland – written Sunday 29th May 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011


We talk about “role-models” and the people we revere;
The people we would emulate each day throughout the year.
We speak of the example that men of God have set.
And trust that in our lifetime their standards will be met.
But they could be a criminal, a murderer, a thief.
Or even worse a con-man or a Russian Mafia chief.
The problem is in knowing the sinner from the saint.
For none of us are perfect no matter how we paint,
Ourselves in our disguises; that only runs skin deep;
The truth’s in our behaviour; and words are often cheap.
As Paul told the Philippians, it’s conduct that reveals,
If we are Christ’s disciples; for talking can conceal,
To whom we are committed. But it’s the things we do,
That shows the world our nature, albeit false or true!
And it is by their conduct Christ’s enemies are seen.
They’re headed for destruction for what they’ve really been.
The god they serve is appetite; they brag of shameful things.
They focus on their earthly life; not what salvation brings!
They don’t leave godless living or sinfulness behind.
This evil world’s controlling them; to righteousness they’re blind.
Instead of a devotion to Jesus and His law,
They hunger after wickedness; pursue it more and more.
But some of us know better; we’re looking for the day,
When Jesus will come back again and be with us to stay.
And while we are awaiting the coming of the Lord
The deeds that we are doing are always in accord
With what He has desired. For He has set us free,
From following a life of sin to living righteously.
We’re seeking after Godliness and longing to be pure.
We want to be at peace with God and willingly endure,
The trials of His way of life and our salvation’s goal,
Of following the Master with body, mind and soul!
For He is our role model; we follow every day,
The life He has prescribed for us; the straight and narrow way.
For someday all His followers together will proclaim,
“This is our God! We trusted Him!” and by His Holy Name,
He’s brought us the salvation that only He can bring.
“We trusted Him!; He saved us! He is the Christ, Our King!”
Our life style wasn’t wasted. He showed the way ahead.
We only had to follow Him and do the things He said.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 28 May 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Why do so many people think that Jesus doesn’t know,
The things that they are doing and the places that they go?
Perhaps they do not realise he also knows their thoughts,
Their little “indiscretions” and their favourite types of “sports”?
There’s nothing that is hid from Him. Indeed, He knows it all;
Back from this very instant to their new born infant bawl.
Perhaps they need reminding He knows what they will do,
Until the final moment for their death will be “on cue”.
The end and the beginning; to God are all the same;
He even knows the details of your great, great grandson’s name!
He knows about our wickedness down to the smallest dot.
That never will be something mislaid or He forgot.
In fact He is omniscient! His memory complete.
You cannot catch Him off His guard; and no man can delete
An instant in His memory. “The wicked and the good”
All will stand in front of Him the way that He once stood,
In front of Pontius Pilate. What will the verdict be?
A gruesome crucifixion or will you be set free?
His judgement will be perfect. We’ll get our true reward.
We’ll have an opportunity to give the Sovereign Lord
The reasons for our actions. But nothing we can say,
Will ever be sufficient to answer Him that day.
The verdict will be “guilty”. We broke His Holy law.
The penalty – our banishment from Him forevermore.
Cast into outer darkness like a perished rubber band,
Unfit for any purpose in God The Father’s hand.
No one will get away with it. One little tiny sin,
Will be enough to justify the trouble we are in.
There’s nothing anyone can do. The verdict guaranteed.
No person can be good enough, No ritual or creed,
Can change the situation and what we have to face.
The only possibility is Jesus and His grace.
For as we stand before Him, consigned to go to Hell,
His loving eyes will soften and we will hear Him tell,
The world He came and took our place. The penalty was paid.
That by His sacrificial death a way to God was made.
He gave to us His innocence and took on Him our guilt.
His death and resurrection and by the blood He spilt,
We can receive a pardon and we can be set free.
And that is what the King of Kings has done for you and me.
He always knew He’d do it. Before the world began,
He knew the dreadful price He’d pay for each and every man.
So now, if we’ll believe Him, and take Him as our Lord.
We’ll come into the fullness of His Father’s just reward.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 27 May 2011